शिक्षक उपलब्धि

शिक्षक उपलब्धि
क्रमांक अध्यापक का नाम उपलब्धि / टिप्पणियां / अन्य विवरण पदनाम विवरण / डाउनलोड फ़ोटो Shift
1 Mr Mukesh Kumar

Give 100% result with PI 86.34

PGT Geography
2 Mr Nisar Ahmad

give 100 % result with PI 84.25

TGT Hindi
3 Mr Manoj Kumar

Got 100% result in class XII Science with outstanding PI=100.

PGT Computer Science
4 Mr. Braham Dev

Got 78.68 PI for History 12th CBSE Examination (2021-22)

PGT (History)
5 Mr. Manoj Kumar

Got 80.46 PI for computer science 12th CBSE Examination (2021-22)